Join us!
Natural Creativity is an engaged partner in the community, developing reciprocal relationships to further our vision and mission. We believe in a "community classroom" and therefore seek to continue to highlight the intrinsic value, beauty and stories of our fellow community members.
For information about enrolling a young person with us, go to the Enrollment page.
Sample Visiting Specialists:
Author talks
Stage combat
Water color
Ethics for teens
Career day talks
Birth/death doulas
Sleep science
Your specialty here!
Visitors with experience in any of the following are especially helpful:
Reading and writing in various disciplines/genres
Mathematics, statistics, geometry, and other logical thinking
History, World cultures, Civics, Anthropology
Biology, Chemistry, Physics, Environmental Science, Anatomy
Geology, Geography, Astronomy
Engineering, Robots
Please note that no one is asked to commit to anything beyond an initial visit, as you get to know us and we get to know you. The options listed above are intended to illustrate a range of possible arrangements.
One-time visits to work with a small number of interested youths on youth-initiated activities relating to a topic of interest to the youth (for example, joining in a group of young people making K'Nex roller coasters or skyscrapers)
Ideal for people who want to explore how to be a part of NC in the future, but are not sure what specific specialty they want to share.
Recurring visits relating to an evolving series of topics or string of sub-topics within a broader interest area (for example, four visits, with each one focusing on a different simple machine, such as pulley or level, that includes building and testing devices), which can be contained (3, 5, or 6 week sessions) or open-ended (every other Tuesday throughout the year) (Artist-in-Residence)
If deciding on this option, we may also consider number of visits per week in each option
Sample Artists-in-Residence: Sewing, Clay, Carpentry
Natural Creativity is focused on supporting self-direction in our young people and families. Sometimes, that looks like stepping back as their minds and bodies move them towards what interests them. Other times, it means connecting them to the larger world, through experts, classes, trips, and opportunities,
We schedule volunteer Visiting Specialists, Process Partners, and Artists-in-Residence according to availability, mutual interest, and content area. We welcome these partners to our Germantown location any time during our program, Monday-Thursday, 9a-3p (Sept-June). There may also be opportunities for activities, meetings, and trips outside of those hours, and we would be happy to have conversations about that possibility. We consider community partnership in the following terms:
In search of...
One-time visits to speak with a small number of interested youths about career paths and options. One-time visits offer a taste of the program, and can be used as entry points for subsequent visits
One-time visits to work with a small number of interested youths on adult-initiated activities relating to a topic of interest to the adult (for example, a city planner building a miniature town out of Lego or recycled materials with youths.

Have an interesting site that young people may enjoy? Let us know! Our young people are interested in everything; it doesn't have to have a conventional educational component. Behind-the-scenes looks, factory tours, interesting machinery, specimens, animals, experiments, community service...whatever you got, there's probably someone in our community who's interested.
Past trips: Academy of Natural Sciences (wet preservation/specimen department), Philadelphia Museum of Art, Heinz Wildlife Refuge, Woodmere Art Museum...
NC's teens on a trip to Community College of Philadelphia
Organizational Partners
As a community-oriented educational organization, we are always seeking like-minded individuals and organizations to work with. We are stronger when we work together.
We wish to continue growing meaningful relationships within the community of Germantown, Philadelphia & beyond, through a network of committed neighbors. This includes partnerships with spaces, businesses, professionals, organizations, and opportunities who want to contribute to the lives of our self-directed families.
We are seeking: Community organizers looking for justice-seeking families, small business owners looking for interns (for our teens), artists wanting to share their craft, therapeutic professionals (i.e. occupational therapists, developmental optometrists, urban nature guides) and anyone else who wants to expand the worlds of young people.
There may also be variations of any of the above, or new incarnations you suggest that we have not yet considered
Council for Relationships (Local mental health agency that provides subsidized counseling to our families)
YES! Your Empowered Sexuality (sex education)
Awbury Arboretum
Walk Around Philadelphia
Fairmount Park Conservancy
The Dandelion Project
Koku Roko
Outward Bound PHL
Unitarian Universalist's OWL Program (sex ed program)
Cradles to Crayons
Community College of Philadelphia
Cupola Academy
Your name here!

Organizational partner YES! presenting a workshop to our parents,